Shenzhen Yuanke Electronic Co.,Ltd;

Contact: Mr Huang

contact number: 0755-27167848 / 0755-27168227 / 0755-27168667

Telephone: 13247542112/13590473452

Fax: 0755-27167816


Address: 2nd floor, second building, Wenge Industrial Zone, Gongming. Guangming New District, Shenzhen

Home > SMD LED
  • 2020-05-21
  • 2020-05-18
  • 405nm band also has bactericidal effect
    每逢季节交替之际常是各种传染病毒的爆发高峰期,呼吸道传染病、流感、肠道病毒引起的手足口病等等…各类病毒,总是默默潜伏在我们的生活周遭蠢蠢欲动,如何有效预防生活周遭无所不在的细菌病毒侵害并消灭有害病菌?阳光中的紫外线可有效达到杀菌作用,但是对于阳光照射不到的空间该如何进行杀菌? UV LED 杀菌是一个新趋势,能够达到极佳的杀菌效果, 以往利用 UV LED杀菌都只提到 UV-C, 现在它有了新伙伴 UV-A, 是不是很惊讶! UV-A竟然具...
  • 2020-05-11
  • 2020-05-07
  • 2020-04-27
  • This wavelength of UVC radiation is harmless to the skin and eyes! Japanese research proves for the first time
    According to reports, a joint study by Kobe University in Japan and Ushio, a Japanese LED component manufacturer, found that deep ultraviolet radiation with a wavelength of 222nm is harmless to human skin and eyes. Th...
  • The demand for ultraviolet products has exploded, how to make consumers a correct science?
    Due to the spread of the new coronavirus around the world, UV products with sterilization and disinfection effects have been sought after by the people, and the demand has increased greatly. Manufacturers in the venue have increas...
  • 2020-04-23
  • The dosage and measurement of UVC to effectively kill the
    The "New Crown" epidemic broke out. UVC ultraviolet sterilization and disinfection lamps were sold out everywhere. In addition to the use by professional hospitals, they were also purchased by enterprises and families ...
  • 2020-04-20
  • 2020-04-16
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  • 0755-27167848
  • 13247542112